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oblea epitaxial semiconductora de nitruro

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2015-2016     2017-2018     2019-2020     2021-2022     2023-2024

2015 - 2016

papel autor Revista de publicación
D. Zhang M. S. Thesis, U. Illinois
Deep ultraviolet photodiodes based on the β-Ga2O3/GaN heterojunction S. Nakagomi, T. Sato, Y. Takahashi and Y. Kokubun Sens. Actuator A Phys.
101-GHz InAlN/GaN HEMTs on Silicon With High Johnson’s Figure-of-Merit C. -W. Tsou, C. -Y. Lin, Y. -W. Lian and S. S. H. Hsu  IEEE Trans. Electron Devices 
Top–down fabrication of horizontally-aligned gallium nitride nanowire arrays for sensor development G. Liu, B. Wen, T. Xie, A. Castillo, J.-Y. Ha, N. Sullivan, R. Debnath, A. Davydov, M. Peckerar and A. Motayed Microelectronic Eng.
Interface trap states in Al2O3/AlGaN/GaN structure induced by inductively coupled plasma etching of AlGaN surfaces Z. Yatabe, J. T. Asubar, T. Sato and T. Hashizume Phys. Status Solidi A
Sezawa propagation mode in GaN on Si surface acoustic wave type temperature sensor structures operating at GHz frequencies A. Müller, I. Giangu, A. Stavrinidis, A. Stefanescu, G. Stavrinidis, A. Dinescu and G. Konstantinidis  IEEE Electron Device Lett.
Investigation of V-Ti/Al/Ni/Au Ohmic contact to AlGaN/GaN heterostructures with a thin GaN cap layer S. M. Jung, C. T. Lee and M. W. Shin Semicond. Sci. Technol.
Effect of post-deposition annealing on the interface electronic structures of Al2O3-Capped GaN and GaN/AlGaN/GaN heterostructure T. L. Duan, J. S. Pan, D. S. Ang ECS J. Solid State Sci. Technol.
Reduced interface states of atomic-layer-deposited Al2O3/AlGaN/GaN heterostructure containing in situ grown AlN/GaN cap layer and subjected to thermal oxidation W. -C. Liao, C. -T. Chiang, J. -I. Chyi and Y. -M. Hsin J. Electrochem. Soc.
Design, fabrication, and optical characteristics of freestanding GaN waveguides on silicon substrate T. Sekiya, T. Sasaki and K. Hane J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B
An integrated gas sensing system based on surface-functionalized gallium nitride nanowires with embedded micro-heaters G. Liu  PhD. S. Dissertation, U. Maryland
III-V nitride based microcantilever heaters for unique multimodal detection of volatile organic compounds at low temperature I. Jahangir M. Eng. Thesis, U. South Carolina
Novel high-k dielectric enhanced III-nitride devices T. -H. Hung PhD. S. Dissertation, Ohio State U.
Study on the reduction of access resistance of InAlN/GaN high electron mobility transistors L. Yi  PhD. S. Dissertation, NUS
Effects of surface morphology and C concentration in C-doped GaN buffer on breakdown voltage of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs on free-standing GaN substrate S. Tanabe, N. Watanabe, M. Uchida and H. Matsuzaki Phys. Status Solidi A
Investigation of surface band bending of Ga-Face GaN by angle-resolved x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy T. L. Duan, J. S. Pan and D. S. Ang ECS J.  Solid State Sci. Technol.
Vertical 2D/3D semiconductor heterostructures based on epitaxial molybdenum disulfide and gallium nitride D. Ruzmetov, K. Zhang, G. Stan, B. Kalanyan, G. R. Bhimanapati, S. M. Eichfeld, R. A. Burke, P. B. Shah, T. P. O’Regan, F. J. Crown, A. G. Birdwel, J. A. Robinon, A. V. Davydv and T. G. Ivanov ACS Nano
High sensitivity, GHz operating SAW pressure sensor structures manufactured by micromachining and nano-processing of GaN/Si A. Müller, A. Stavrinidis, I. Giangu, A. Stefanescu, G. Stavrinidis, A. Pantazis, A. Dinescu, G. Boldeiu and G. Konstantinidis IEEE MTT-S IMS
The role of barrier transport and traps in the tradeoff between low OFF-state leakage current and improved dynamic stability of AlGaN/GaN HFETs S. Mehari, A. Gavrilov, M. Eizenberg and D. Ritter IEEE Trans. Electron Devices 
Crystal orientations of β-Ga2O3 thin films formed on c-plane GaN substrate S. Nakagomi and Y. Kokubun Phys. Status Solidi B
Influence of Au-based metallization on the phase velocity of GaN on Si surface acoustic wave resonators A. Stefanescu, A. Müller, I. Giangu, A. Dinescu and G. Konstantinidis IEEE Electron Device Lett.
Time-dependent threshold voltage drift induced by interface traps in normally-off GaN MOSFET with different gate recess technique F. Sang, M. Wang, M. Tao, S. Liu, M. Yu, B. Xie, C. P. Wen, J. Wang, W. Wu, Y. Hao and B. Shen Appl. Phys. Express
Hybrid sensor based on AlGaN/GaN molecular controlled device M. Eckshtain-Levi, E. Capua, Y. Paltiel and R. Naaman ACS Sens.
Modeling the performance limits of novel microcantilever heaters for volatile organic compound detection I. Jahangir and G. Koley J Micromech. Microeng.
Cold denaturation induces inversion of dipole and spin transfer in chiral peptide monolayers M. Eckshtain-Levi, E. Capua, S. Refaely-Abramson, S. Sarkar, Y. Gavrilov, S. P. Mathew, Y. Paltiel, Y. Levy, L. Kronik and R. Naaman Nat. Commun.


2017 - 2018


papel autor Revista de publicación
H. -Y. Liu, C. -S. Lee, G. -J. Liu and R. -C. Huang IEEE Sens. Lett.
Stability of AlGaN/GaN heterostructures after hydrogen plasma treatment O. Babchenko, J. Dzuba, T. Lalinský, M. Vojsb, A. Vincze, T. Ižák and G. Vankoa Appl. Surf. Sci.
Structural and electrical analysis of epitaxial 2D/3D vertical heterojunctions of monolayer MoS2 on GaN T. P. O'Regan, D. Ruzmetov, M. R. Neupane, R. A. Burke, A. A. Herzing, K. Zhang, A. G. Birdwell, D. E. Taylor, E. F. C. Byrd, S. D. Walck, A. V. Davydov, J. A. Robinson and T. G. Ivanov Appl. Phys. Lett.
Device Characteristics of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs with p-GaN Cap Layer C. -H. Li, Y. -C. Jiang, H. -C. Tsai, Y. -N. Zhong and Y. -M. Hsin ECS J. Solid State Sci. Technol.
GaN membrane supported SAW pressure sensors with embedded temperature sensing capability A. Müller, G. Konstantinidis, I. Giangu, G. C. Adam, A. Stefanescu, A. Stavrinidis, G. Stavrinidis, A. Kostopoulos, G. Boldeiu and A. Dinescu  IEEE Sens. J.
Polymer bonding of GaN crystal layer on silicon substrate for micro mechanical resonator applications T. Sasaki, Y. Hayakawa and K. Hane Microsyst Technol.
Surface band bending and interface alignment of plasma-enhanced atomic layer deposited SiO2 on AlxGa1-xN B. S. Eller and R. J. Nemanich J. Appl. Phys.
Van der Waals interfaces in epitaxial vertical metal/2D/3D semiconductor heterojunctions of monolayer MoS2 and GaN D. Ruzmetov, M. R Neupane, A. Herzing,T. P. O'Regan, A. Mazzoni, M. L. Chin, R. A. Burke, F. J. Crowne, A. G. Birdwell, D. E. Taylor, A. Kolmakov, K. Zhang, J. A. Robinson, A. V. Davydov and T. G. Ivanov 2D Mater
Buffer-induced current collapse in GaN HEMTs on highly resistive Si substrates H. Chandrasekar, M. J. Uren, A. Eblabla, H. Hirshy, M. A. Casbon, P. J. Tasker, K. Elgaid and M. Kuball IEEE Electron Device Lett
High temperature AlGaN/GaN membrane based pressure sensors  D. Gajula, I. Jahangir and G. Koley Micromachines
AlGaN/GaN HEMTs with 2DHG back gate control W. -T. Lin, W. -C. Liao, Y. -N. Zhong and Y. -M. Hsin MRS Advances
Band pass filters based on GaN/Si lumped-eement SAW resonators operating at frequencies above 5 GHz D. Neculoiu, A. -C. Bunea, A. M. Dinescu and L. A. Farhat IEEE Access
AlGaN/GaN MIS-HEMTs with a p-GaN cap layer C. -C. Hsu, P. -C. Shen, Y. -N. Zhong and Y. -M. Hsin MRS Advances
Determination of suitable indicators of AlGaN/GaN HEMT wafer quality based on wafer test and device characteristics Y. -N. Zhong, S. -W. Tang and Y. -M. Hsin Phys. Status Solidi A
Correlation between border traps and exposed surface properties in gate recessed normally-off Al2O3/GaN MOSFET R. Yin, Y. Li, Y. Sun,  C. P. Wen, Y. Hao and M. Wanga Appl. Phys. Lett
Study on electronic properties of diamond/SiNx-coated AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistors operating up to 500 °C O. Babchenko, G. Vanko, M. Gerboc, T. Ižák, M. Vojs, T. Lalinskýa and A. Kromka Diam. Relat. Mater
Injection of spin-polarized electrons into a AlGaN/GaN device from an electrochemical cell: evidence for an extremely long apin lifetime A. Kumar, E. Capua, C. Fontanesi, R. Carmieli and R. Naaman ACS Nano
AlGaN/GaN MOSHFETs using ALD dielectrics: A study in performance and reliability F. Azam PhD. Dissertations, North Carolina State U


2019 - 2020


papel autor Revista de publicación
F. Khan, W. Khan and S. -D. Kim  Nanomaterials 
Gallium nitride microcantilever heater based VOC ssensors and monitoring system development S. S. Gorman M. S. Thesis, Clemson U
Temperature dependence of sensitivity of 2DEG-based Hall-efffect sensors H. S. Alpert, C. A. Chapin, K. M. Dowling, S. R. Benbrook, H. Köck, U. Ausserlechner and D. G. Senesky arXiv
Metal-covered van der Waals epitaxy of gallium nitride films on graphitic substrates by ECR-MBE U. Ooe, S. Mouri, S. Arakawa, F. B. Abas, Y. Nanishi and T. Araki Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.
Study of edge and screw dislocation density in GaN/Al2O3 heterostructure V. L. Ene, D. Dinescu, I. Zai, N. Djourelov, B. S. Vasile, A. B. Serban, V. Leca and E. Andronescu  Materials
Molybdenum trioxide gates for suppression of leakage current in InAlN/GaN HEMTs at 300°C C. A. Chapin, S. R. Benbrook, C. Leblanc and D. G. Senesky arXiv
Effect of geometry on sensitivity and offset of AlGaN/GaN and InAlN/GaN Hall-effect sensors H. S. Alpert, K. M. Dowling, Ca. A. Chapin, A. S. Yalamarthy, S. R. Benbrook, H. Köck; U. Ausserlechner and D. G. Senesky IEEE Sens. J
Impact of volatile organic compound exposure on electrical breakdown in GaN dual channel microcantilevers S. Gorman, D. Gajula, S. Kim and G. Koley Appl. Phys. Lett
Improving the GaN-on-GaN schottky barrier diode by ALD-AlN tunneling barrier layer and multi-fins structure S. W. H. Chen, D. R. Yang, N. J. You, W. C. Ho, J. Tzou, H. C. Kuo and J. M. Shieh IEEE Trans. Nanotechnol
Low-power pH sensor based on narrow channel open-gated Al0.25Ga0.75N/GaN HEMT and package integrated polydimethylsiloxane microchannels X. Yang, J. Ao, S. Wu, S. Ma, X. Li, L. Hu, W. Liu and C. Han Materials
H2 detection using plasmonically generated surface photoacoustic waves in Pd nanoparticle-deposited GaN microcantilevers D. Khan, H. Li, D. Gajula, F. Bayram and G. Koley ACS Sens.
Defect structure determination of GaN films in GaN/AlN/Si heterostructures by HR-TEM, XRD, and slow positrons experiments V. L. Ene, D. Dinescu, N. Djourelov, I. Zai, B. S. Vasile, A. B. Serban, V. Leca and E. Andronescu Nanomaterials
Engineering a unified dielectric solution for AlGaN/GaN MOS-HFET gate and access regions F. Azam, A. Tanneeru, B. Lee and V. Misra IEEE Trans. Electron Devices
Photoacoustic detection of H2 and NH3 using plasmonic signal enhancement in GaN microcantilevers D. Khan, H. Li, F. Bayram, D. Gajula and G. Koley Micromachines
Sensitivity of 2DEG-based Hall-effect sensors at high temperatures H. S. Alpert,  C. A. Chapin,  K. M. Dowling,  S. R. Benbrook,  H. Köck,  U. Ausserlechner and  D. G. Senesky Rev. Sci. Instrum.
Interference of co-propagating Rayleigh and Sezawa waves observed with micro-focused Brillouin light scattering spectroscopy M. Geilen, F. Kohl, A. Nicoloiu, A. Müller, B. Hillebrands and P. Pirro Appl. Phys. Lett
An analytical model for AlGaN/GaN MOS-HEMT for high power applications N. -T. Do, N.- H. Thoan, T. M. Quang, D. A. Tuan and N. -N. Trung Adv. Mater
Two-dimensional materials preparation, characterization, and device integration for novel applications M. D. Valentin PhD. Dissertations, UC Riverside


2021 - 2022


papel autor Revista de publicación
C. Romanitan, I. Mihalache, O. Tutunaru and C.Pachiu J. Alloys Compd.
Accelerated Beta Radiation Aging of Interlayer Titanium Nitride in Gallium Nitride Contacts D. D. Schwellenbach
Studies of Defect Structure in Epitaxial AlN/GaN Films Grown on (111) 3C-SiC A. Bianca Serban, V. L. Ene, D. Dinescu, I. Zai, N. Djourelov, B. S. Vasile and V. Leca Nanomaterials
Voltage triggered near-infrared light modulation using VO2 thin film F. Bayram, D. Gajula, D. Khan, B. Uppalapati, S. Azad and G. Koley Opt. Express
Epitaxial Intercalation Growth of Scalable Hexagonal Boron Nitride/Graphene Bilayer Moiré Materials with Highly Convergent Interlayer Angles S. Wang, J. Crowther, H. Kageshima, H. Hibino and Y. Taniyasu ACS Nano
Impact of selective thermal etching in mixed H2/NH3 atmosphere on crystal quality of AlGaN/GaN heterostructures Y. Yoshiya, T. Hoshi, H. Sugiyama and H. Matsuzaki Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.
Dependence of Electrical Characteristics on Epitaxial Layer Structure of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs Fabricated on Freestanding GaN Substrates Y. Ando, R. Makisako, H. Takahashi, A. Wakejima and J. Suda IEEE Trans. Electron. Devices
Extended Exposure of Gallium Nitride Heterostructure Devices to a Simulated Venus Environment S. R. Eisner, H. S. Alpert, C. A. Chapin, A. S. Yalamarthy, P. F. Satterthwaite, A. Nasiri, S. Port, S. Ang and D. G. Senesky Proc. IEEE Aerospace Conf.
Plasmon Enhanced GaN Mems Photoacoustic Sensors D. Khan PhD. Dissertation, Clemson U.
Output Phase and Amplitude Analysis of GaN-Based HEMT at Cryogenic Temperatures H. Guo, J. Zhou, M. Wang and X. Zou IEEE Microw. Wirel. Compon. Lett .
Scandium-Based Ohmic Contacts to InAlN/GaN Heterostructures on Silicon V. S. Charan, S. Vura, R. Muralidharan, S. Raghavan and D. N. Nath  IEEE Electron Device Lett.
Fully Resonant Magneto-elastic Spin-wave Excitation by Surface Acoustic Waves under Conservation of Energy and Linear Momentum M. Geilen, A. Nicoloiu, D. Narducci, M. Mohseni, M. Bechberger, M. Ender, F. Ciubotaru, A. Müller, B. Hillebrands, C. Adelmann and P. Pirro arXiv
Epitaxial Molybdenum Disulfide/Gallium Nitride Junctions: Low-Knee-Voltage Schottky-Diode Behavior at Optimized Interfaces H. I. Yang, D. J. Coyle, M. Wurch, P. R. Yadav, M. D. Valentin, M. R. Neupane, K. Almeida and L. Bartels ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces
Temperature-Dependent Dynamic Degradation of Carbon-Doped GaN HEMTs Y. Gu, Y. Wang, J. Chen, B. Chen, M. Wang and X. Zou IEEE Trans. Electron Devices
Investigation of Multi-Mesa-Channel-Structured AlGaN/GaN MOSHEMTs with SiO2 Gate Oxide Layer J. -J. Jian, H. -Y. Lee, E. -Y. Chang and C. -T. Lee Coatings
Influence of SiON interlayer on the diamond/GaN heterostructures studied by Raman and SIMS measurements T. Izsák, G. Vanko, O. Babčenko, A. Vincze, M. Vojs, B. Zaťko and A.Kromka  Mater. Sci. Eng. B


2023 - 2024

papel autor Revista de publicación
F. Bayram, D. Gajula, D. Khan and G. Koley  Microsyst. Nanoeng.
High-Performance Enhancement-Mode p-Channel GaN MISFETs With Steep Subthreshold Swing Y. Yin and K. B. Le IEEE Electron Device Lett.
The Atomic Layer Etching Technique with Surface Treatment Function for InAlN/GaN Heterostructure F. Du, Y. Jiang, Z. Wu, H. Lu, J. He, C. Tang, Q. Hu, K. Wen, X. Tang, H. Hong, H. Yu and Q. Wang Crystals
An AlGaN/GaN Dual Channel Triangular Microcantilever Based UV Detector B. Uppalapati, D. Gajula, F. Bayram, A. Kota, A. Gunn, D. Khan, V. P. Chodavarapu and G. Koley ACS Photonics
Investigation of Temperature Sensing Capabilities of GaN/SiC and GaN/Sapphire Surface Acoustic Wave Devices G. Boldeiu, G. E. Ponchak, A. Nicoloiu, C. Nastase, I. Zdru, A. Dinescua and  A. Mülle IEEE Access
Fully resonant magneto-elastic spin-wave excitation by surface acoustic waves under conservation of energy and linear momentum M. Geilen, A. Nicoloiu, D. Narducci, M. Mohseni, M. Bechberger, M. Ender, F. Ciubotaru, B. Hillebrands, A. Müller, C. Adelmann and P. Pirro Appl. Phys. Lett.
Microscopic formation mechanism of Si/Tl5Al1/TiN ohmic contact on non-recessed i-InAlN/GaN heterostructures with ultra-low resistance Y. Jiang, F. Z. Du, J. Q. He, Z. P. Qiao, C. Y. Tang, X. Y. Tang, Z. R. Wang, Q. Wang and H.Y. Yu Semicond. Sci. Technol.


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