We have compiled papers related to EUV optics, X-ray optics. If you would like to have your information included on this page, please feel free to contact us.
2015 - 2016
2017 - 2018
2019 - 2020
paper | author | Publication magazine | product |
S. Matsuyama, J. Yamada, Y. Kohmura, M. Yabashi, T. Ishikawa and K. Yamauchi | Opt. Express | X-ray chart | |
Wavelength-scale ptychographic coherent diffractive imaging using a high-order harmonic source | G. K. Tadesse, W. Eschen, R. Klas, M. Tschernajew, F. Tuitje, M. Steinert, M. Zilk, V. Schuster, M. Zürch, T. Pertsch, C. Spielmann, J. Limpert and J. Rothhardt | Sci. Rep. | X-ray chart |
Development of an X-ray imaging detector to resolve 200 nm line-and-space patterns by using transparent ceramics layers bonded by solid-state diffusion | T. Kameshima, A. Takeuchi, K. Uesugi, T. Kudo, Y. Kohmura, K. Tamasaku, K. Muramatsu, T. Yanagitani, M. Yabashi and T. Hatsui | Opt. Let. | X-ray chart |
Optical performance and radiation stability of polymer X-ray refractive nano-lenses | A. Barannikov, M. Polikarpov, P. Ershov, V. Bessonov, K. Abrashitova, I. Snigireva, V. Yunkin, G. Bourenkov, T. Schneider, A. A. Fedyanin and A. Snigirev | J. Synchrotron Rad. | X-ray chart |
Full-field hard X-ray microscopy based on aberration-corrected Be CRLs | A. Schropp, D. Brückner, J. Bulda, G. Falkenberg, J. Garrevoet, J. Hagemann, F. Seiboth, K. Spiers, F. Koch, C. David, M. Gambino, M. Veselý, F. Meirer and C. G. Schroer | Proc. SPIE | X-ray chart |
Visualization of protein crystals by high-energy phase-contrast X-ray imaging | M. Polikarpov, G. Bourenkov, I. Snigireva, A. Snigirev, S. Zimmermann, K. Csanko, S. Brockhauser and T. R. Schneider | Acta Cryst. D | X-ray chart |
Ptychographic characterisation of polymer compound refractive lenses manufactured by additive technology | M. Lyubomirskiy, F. Koch, K. A. Abrashitova, V. O. Bessonov, N. Kokareva, A. Petrov, F. Seiboth, F. Wittwer, M. Kahnt, M. Seyrich, A. A. Fedyanin, C. David and C. G. Schroer | Opt. Express | X-ray chart |
Nanoscale Coherent Diffractive Imaging using High-harmonic XUV Sources | G. K. Tadesse | PhD. Dissertation, Friedrich-Schiller-U. Jena | X-ray chart |
Optical performance and radiation stability of polymer X-ray refractive nano-lenses | A. Barannikov, M. Polikarpov, P. Ershov, V. Bessonov, K. Abrashitova, I. Snigireva, V. Yunkin, G. Bourenkov, T. Schneider, A. A. Fedyanin and A. Snigirev | J. Synchrotron Rad. | X-ray chart |
Hard X-ray wavefront correction via refractive phase plates made by additive and subtractive fabrication techniques | F. Seiboth, D. Brückner, M. Kahnt, M. Lyubomirskiy, F. Wittwer, D. Dzhigaev, T. Ullsperger, S. Nolte, F. Koch, C. David, J. Garrevoet, G. Falkenberg and C. G. Schroer | J. Synchrotron Rad. | X-ray chart |
CRL optics and silicon drift detector for P06 Microprobe experiments at 35 keV | G. Falkenberg, F. Seiboth, F. Koch, K. Falch, A. Schropp, D. Brückner and J. Garrevoet | Powder Diffr . | X-ray chart |
Recent progress in synchrotron radiation 3D–4D nano-imaging based on X-ray full-field microscopy | A. Takeuchi and Y. Suzuki | Microscopy | X-ray chart |
Compact full-field hard x-ray microscope based on advanced Kirkpatrick–Baez mirrors | J. Yamada, S. Matsuyama, R. Hirose, Y. Takeda, Y. Kohmura, M. Yabashi, K. Omote, T. Ishikawa and K. Yamauchi | Optica | X-ray chart |
PtyNAMi: ptychographic nano-analytical microscope | A. Schropp, R. Döhrmann, S. Botta, D. Brückner, M. Kahnt, M. Lyubomirskiy, C. Ossig, M. Scholz, M. Seyrich, M. E. Stuckelberger, P. Wiljes, F. Wittwer, J. Garrevoet, G. Falkenberg, Y. Fam, T. L. Sheppard, J.-D. Grunwaldt and C. G. Schroer | J. Appl. Cryst. | X-ray chart |
Soft-x-ray vortex beam detected by inline holography | Y. Ishii, K. Yamamoto, Y. Yokoyama, M. Mizumaki, H. Nakao, T. Arima and Y. Yamasaki | Phys. Rev. Appl. | X-ray chart |
Nanofabrication of 50 nm zone plates through e-beam lithography with local proximity effect correction for x-ray imaging | J. Zhu, S. Zhang, S. Xie, C. Xu, L. Zhang, X. Tao,Y. Ren, Y. Wang, B. Deng, R. Tai and Y. Chen | Chin. Phys. B | X-ray chart |
Soft x-ray laser beamline for surface processing and damage studies | M. Ishino, T. -H. Dinh, Y. Hosaka, N. Hasegawa, K. Yoshimura, H. Yamamoto, T. Hatano, T. Higashiguchi, K. Sakaue, S. Ichimaru, M. Hatayama, A. Sasaki, M. Washio, M. Nishikino and Y. Maekawa | Appl. Opt. | EUV mirror / soft X-ray mirror |
Extreme ultraviolet time- and angle-resolved photoemission setup with 21.5 meV resolution using high-order harmonic generation from a turn-key Yb:KGW amplifier | Y. Liu, J. E. Beetar, M. M. Hosen, G. Dhakal, C. Sims, F. Kabir, M. B. Etienne, K. Dimitri, S. Regmi, Y. Liu, A. K. Pathak, D. Kaczorowski, M. Neupane and M. Chini | Review of Scientific Instruments | EUV mirror / soft X-ray mirror |
Measuring the topological charge of an x-ray vortex using a triangular aperture | Y. Taira and Y. Kohmura | J. Opt. | X-ray Fresnel zone plate |
Current status of nanobeam x-ray diffraction station at SPring-8 | Y. Imai, K. Sumitani and S. Kimura | AIP Conf. Proc. | X-ray Fresnel zone plate |
Soft X-ray absorption spectroscopy in the low-energy region explored using an argon gas window | M. Nagasaka | J. Synchrotron Rad. | SiC membrane/SiN membrane / X-ray filter container |
Enhancement of temperature change induced by anomalous Ettingshausen effect in thin Ni films on suspended membrane substrates | R. Modak and K. Uchida | Appl. Phys. Lett. | SiC membrane/SiN membrane / X-ray filter container |
Operando observations of a manganese oxide electrocatalyst for water oxidation using hard/tender/soft X-ray absorption spectroscopy | S. Tsunekawa, F. Yamamoto, K. -H. Wang, M. Nagasaka, H. Yuzawa, S. Takakusagi, H. Kondoh, K. Asakura, T. Kawai and M. Yoshida | J. Phys. Chem. C | SiC membrane/SiN membrane / X-ray filter container |
Generation of an X-ray nanobeam of a free-electron laser using reflective optics with speckle interferometry | T. Inoue, S. Matsuyama, J. Yamada, N. Nakamura, T. Osaka, I. Inoue, Y. Inubushi, K. Tono, H. Yumoto, T. Koyama, H. Ohashi, M. Yabashi, T. Ishikawa and K. Yamauchi | J. Synchrotron Rad. | SiC membrane/SiN membrane / X-ray filter container |
Photoelectron based soft x-ray detector for removing high order x rays | M. Nagasaka and H. Iwayama | Rev. Sci. Instrum. | SiC membrane/SiN membrane / X-ray filter container |
Utilizing ion leaching effects for achieving high oxygen-evolving performance on hybrid nanocomposite with self-optimized behaviors |
D. Guan, G. Ryu, Z. Hu, J. Zhou, C. -L. Dong, Y. -C. Huang, K. Zhang, Y. Zhong, A. C. Komarek, M. Zhu, X. Wu, C. -W. Pao,
C. -K. Chang, H. -J. Lin, C. -T. Chen, W. Zhou and Z. Shao
Nat. Commun. | SiC membrane/SiN membrane / X-ray filter container |
Electronic states of acetic acid in a binary mixture of acetic acid and 1-methylimidazole depend on the environment | N. Yoshimura, O. Takahashi, M. Oura and Y. Horikawa | J. Phys. Chem. B | SiC membrane/SiN membrane / X-ray filter container |
Elucidation of structure–activity correlations in a nickel manganese oxide oxygen evolution reaction catalyst by operando Ni L-edge X-ray absorption spectroscopy and 2p3d resonant inelastic X-ray scattering | M. Al Samarai, A. W. Hahn, A. B. Askari, Y. -T. Cui, K. Yamazoe, J. Miyawaki, Y. Harada, O. Rüdiger and S. DeBeer | ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces | SiC membrane/SiN membrane / X-ray filter container |
Measurements of ultrafast dissociation in resonant inelastic x-ray scattering of water | K. Yamazoe, J. Miyawaki, H. Niwa, A. Nilsson and Y. Harada | J. Chem. Phys. | SiC membrane/SiN membrane / X-ray filter container |
X-ray single-grating interferometry for wavefront measurement and correction of hard X-ray nanofocusing mirrors | J. Yamada, T. Inoue, N. Nakamura, T. Kameshima, K. Yamauchi, S. Matsuyama and M. Yabashi | Sensors | X-ray Grating |
Compact reflective imaging optics in hard X-ray region based on concave and convex mirrors | J. Yamada, S. Matsuyama, Y. Sano, Y. Kohmura, M. Yabashi, T. Ishikawa and K. Yamauchi | Opt. Express | X-ray Grating |
2021 - 2022
paper | author | Publication magazine | product |
A. Takeuchi, K. Uesugi, M. Uesugi, H. Toda, K. Hirayama, K. Shimizu, K. Matsuo and T. Nakamura | Rev. Sci. Instrum | X-ray chart | |
Hard X-ray nanoprobe scanner | A. Takeuchi, K. Uesugi, Y. Suzuki, S. Itabashi and M. Oda | J. Synchrotron Rad. | X-ray chart |
Ultra-low density, nanostructured free-standing films for EUV Pellicles | M. D. Lima, T. Ueda, L. Plata, Y. Yang, V. Le, N. Keller, C. Huynh, T. Harada and T. Kondo | Proc. SPIE | EUV/X-ray optical system design and production |
Analytical System for Simultaneous Operando Measurements of Electrochemical Reaction Rate and Hard X-ray Photoemission Spectroscopy | K. Suda, T. Kawamoto, S. Yasuno, T. Watanabe, T. Koganezawa, M. Matsumoto, H. Imai, I. Hirosawa and J. Inukai | J.Electrochem. Soc. | SiC membrane/SiN membrane / X-ray filter container |
Laboratory-size x-ray microscope using Wolter mirror optics and an electron-impact x-ray source | A. Ohba, T. Nakano, S. Onoda, T. Mochizuki, K. Nakamoto and H. Hotaka | Rev. Sci. Instrum | X-ray chart |
Direct observation of the layer-number-dependent electronic structure in few-layer WTe2 | M. Sakano, Y. Tanaka, S. Masubuchi, S. Okazaki, T. Nomoto, A. Oshima, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, R. Arita, T. Sasagawa, T. Machida and K. Ishizaka | arXiv | UV Focusing lens |
X-ray laser development at the Institute of Laser Engineering, Osaka University with worldwide collaboration | Y. Kato amd H. Daido | Proc. SPIE | EUV mirror / soft X-ray mirror |
Hydration of the Zwitterionic and Protonated Forms of Glycine Betaine Probed by Soft X-ray Emission Spectroscopy Coupled with Chemometrics | S. Ohsawa, T. Tokushima and K. Okada | J. Phys. Chem. B | SiC membrane/SiN membrane / X-ray filter container |
Development of Operando Observation Technique of Electrochemical Reactions at the Solid-Liquid Interface by Fluorescence-yield Wavelength-dispersive Soft X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy | K. Sakata and K. Amemiya | Chem. Lett. | SiC membrane/SiN membrane / X-ray filter container |
Dynamic nanoimaging of extended objects via hard X-ray multiple-shot coherent diffraction with projection illumination optics | Y. Takayama, K. Fukuda, M. Kawashima, Y. Aoi, D. Shigematsu, T. Akada, T. Ikeda and Y. Kagoshima | Commun. Phys. |
X-ray Fresnel zone plate |
NanoMAX: the hard X-ray nanoprobe beamline at the MAX IV Laboratory | U. Johansson, D. Carbone, S. Kalbfleisch, A. Björling, M. Kahnt, S. Sala, T. Stankevic, M. Liebi, A. Rodriguez Fernandez, B. Bring, D. Paterson, K. Thånell, P. Bell, D. Erb, C. Weninger, Z. Matej, L. Roslund, K. Åhnberg, B. Norsk Jensen, H. Tarawneh, A. Mikkelsen and U. Vogt | J. Synchrotron Rad. | X-ray chart |
Upscaling of multi-beam x-ray ptychography for efficient x-ray microscopy with high resolution and large field of view | F. Wittwer, M. Lyubomirskiy, F. Koch, M. Kahnt, M. Seyrich, J. Garrevoet, C. David and C. G. Schroer | Appl. Phys. Lett. | X-ray chart |
K. Akada, K. Yamazoe, J. Miyawaki, R. Maeda, K. Ito and Y. Harada | Front. Chem. | SiC membrane/SiN membrane / X-ray filter container | |
Planar refractive lenses made of SiC for high intensity nanofocusing | M. Lyubomirskiy, B. Schurink, I. A. Makhotkin, D. Brueckner, F. Wittwer, M. Kahnt, M. Seyrich, F. Seiboth, F. Bijkerk and C. G. Schroe | Opt. Express | X-ray chart |
2023 - 2024
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